Planning all your projects with EMACS

Emacs org-mode rocks


Every day I open EMACS to check my tasks and my schedule. Once I was wondering, why not plan and control my research projects. I checked some sites site 1, site 2, and site 3 and it was piece of cake. I split in 4 steps.

Step 1 - prepare your org file

Prepare a .org file like this:

   :TYPE_ALL: Proj Action
   :OWNER_ALL: Person1 Person2
   :Approved_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]"
   :DONE_ALL: Yes Nop

   :TYPE: Pesq
*** TODO Action 1 [33%]
   :OWNER: Person1
   :DEADLINE: <2018-05-20 Fri>
   :DONE: Nop
- [X] Version 1 
- [ ] Version 2 
*** TODO Action 2 [33%]
   :OWNER: Person2
   :DEADLINE: <2018-07-20 Fri>
   :DONE: Nop
- [X] Version 1 
- [ ] Version 2 

Step 2 - Almost there

Once your file is done, you can check it in column-view, just press C-c C-x C-c on PROJECT1. It turns each outline item into a table row displaying some of its properties.

You can switch the column view off and return to the normal view by pressing q while the cursor is on the highlighted entry – but you can turn the column view on from any location in the buffer (ORG-MODE).

Step 3 - Improving visualization

Column view is a dynamic block, so you can capture and and create an overview about all your projects. In the last line create a new item called Report or any name, and insert the block as follows:

** Report

#+BEGIN: columnview :maxlevel 5 :hlines t


On the BEGIN press C-c C-c and you see the magic:

#+BEGIN: columnview :maxlevel 5 :hlines t
| TYPE | ITEM                   | OWNER  | DEADLINE       |
|      | * PROJECTS             |        |                |
| Pesq | ** Project 1           |        |                |
|      | *** TODO Action 1[33%] | Daniel | 2018-04-20 Fri |
|      | *** TODO Action 2 [%]  | Daniel | 2018-04-27 Fri |
|      | *** TODO PAPER [%]     | Daniel | 2018-04-27 Fri |
|      | ** Report              |        |                |

Step 4 - See all in hmtl file

EMACS really rocks. You can export your file like .html, just C-c C-e, press h and h and set a name. Now in your web browser you can see all you plan like a web page with your own CSS.

Tip: I use pandoc to set the css

pandoc ALLPROJECT_MANAG.html -s --css ~/Dropbox/CSS/SIMONCED_pro_v2.css --toc -o ALLPROJECT_MANAG.html

Let me know you have some question, just send me a e-mail.


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