
Planning all your projects with EMACS

Introduction Every day I open EMACS to check my tasks and my schedule. Once I was wondering, why not plan and control my research projects. I checked some sites site 1, site 2, and site 3 and it was piece of cake. I split in 4 steps. Step 1 - prepare your org file Prepare a .org file like this: * PROJECTS :PROPERTIES: :COLUMNS: %6TYPE %20ITEM %OWNER %13DEADLINE :TYPE_ALL: Proj Action :OWNER_ALL: Person1 Person2 :Approved_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]" :DONE_ALL: Yes Nop :END: ** PROJECT 1 :PROPERTIES: :TYPE: Pesq :END: *** TODO Action 1 [33%] :PROPERTIES: :OWNER: Person1 :DEADLINE: <2018-05-20 Fri> :DONE: Nop :END: - [X] Version 1 - [ ] Version 2 *** TODO Action 2 [33%] :PROPERTIES: :OWNER: Person2 :DEADLINE: <2018-07-20 Fri> :DONE: Nop :END: - [X] Version 1 - [ ] Version 2 Step 2 - Almost there Once your file is done, you can check it in column-view, just press C-c C-x C-c on PROJECT1.